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versions = {'CymEng_Cym_GB': {'adjectives': {'ambiguity': ['diamwys', 'amwys'], 'angularity': ['onglog', 'crwn'], 'appeal': ['apelgar', 'atgas'], 'beauty': ['prydferth', 'hyll'], 'elegance': ['anghywrain', 'cywrain'], 'flow': ['llifo', 'swta'], 'fluency': ['toredig', 'rhugl'], 'grace': ['trwsgl', 'gosgeiddig'], 'harshness': ['llym', 'meddal'], 'logic': ['rhesymegol', 'afresymegol'], 'pleasure': ['dymunol', 'annymunol'], 'precision': ['manwl', 'amhendant'], 'sistem': ['trefnus', 'di-drefn'], 'smoothness': ['llyfn', 'cryg'], 'structure': ['distrwythur', 'strwythuredig']}, 'intface_info': {'atol_header': 'Holiadur AToL', 'btn_continue': 'Parhau', 'btn_text': 'Nesaf', 'instruction': 'Defnyddiwch y llythrydd i ateb', 'language': 'Saesneg', 'language_header': 'Mae’r Saesneg yn...', 'next_task': 'Cliciwch <i>Parhau</i> pan fyddwch yn barod', 'rml': 'Cymraeg', 'rml_header': 'Mae’r Gymraeg yn...', 'thank_you': "Diolch am lenwi'r holiadur!", 'title': 'Holiadur Iaith'}, 'meta': {'author': 'Ianto Gryffudd <>, Marco Tamburelli <>', 'date': '2023-01-30', 'versionId': 'CymEng_Cym_GB', 'versionName': 'Cymraeg - Saesneg (Y Deyrnas Unedig)', 'versionNumber': '0.3.4'}}, 'CymEng_Eng_GB': {'adjectives': {'ambiguity': ['unambiguous', 'ambiguous'], 'angularity': ['angular', 'round'], 'appeal': ['appealing', 'abhorrent'], 'beauty': ['beautiful', 'ugly'], 'elegance': ['inelegant', 'elegant'], 'flow': ['flowing', 'abrupt'], 'fluency': ['choppy', 'fluent'], 'grace': ['clumsy', 'graceful'], 'harshness': ['harsh', 'soft'], 'logic': ['logical', 'illogical'], 'pleasure': ['pleasant', 'unpleasant'], 'precision': ['precise', 'vague'], 'sistem': ['systematic', 'unsystematic'], 'smoothness': ['smooth', 'raspy'], 'structure': ['unstructured', 'structured']}, 'intface_info': {'atol_header': 'AToL Questionnaire', 'btn_continue': 'Continue', 'btn_text': 'Next', 'instruction': 'Please move the slider to record your choice.', 'language': 'English', 'language_header': 'The English language is...', 'next_task': "Please click <i>Continue</i> when you're ready", 'rml': 'Welsh', 'rml_header': 'The Welsh language is...', 'thank_you': 'Thank you for completing the questionnaire!', 'title': 'Language Questionnaire'}, 'meta': {'author': 'Marco Tamburelli <>', 'date': '2023-01-16', 'versionId': 'CymEng_Eng_GB', 'versionName': 'English Welsh (United Kingdom)', 'versionNumber': '0.3.4'}}, 'EngZzz_Eng_GB': {'adjectives': {'ambiguity': ['unambiguous', 'ambiguous'], 'angularity': ['angular', 'round'], 'appeal': ['appealing', 'abhorrent'], 'beauty': ['beautiful', 'ugly'], 'elegance': ['inelegant', 'elegant'], 'flow': ['flowing', 'abrupt'], 'fluency': ['choppy', 'fluent'], 'grace': ['clumsy', 'graceful'], 'harshness': ['harsh', 'soft'], 'logic': ['logical', 'illogical'], 'pleasure': ['pleasant', 'unpleasant'], 'precision': ['precise', 'vague'], 'sistem': ['systematic', 'unsystematic'], 'smoothness': ['smooth', 'raspy'], 'structure': ['unstructured', 'structured']}, 'intface_info': {'atol_header': 'AToL Questionnaire', 'btn_continue': 'Continue', 'btn_text': 'Next', 'instruction': 'Please move the slider to record your choice.', 'language': 'English', 'language_header': 'The English language is...', 'next_task': "Please click <i>Continue</i> when you're ready", 'rml': '[ENTER language name HERE]', 'rml_header': '[ENTER language name HERE] language is...', 'thank_you': 'Thank you for completing the questionnaire!', 'title': 'Language Questionnaire'}, 'meta': {'author': 'Marco Tamburelli <>', 'date': '2023-01-16', 'versionId': 'EngZzz_Eng_GB', 'versionName': 'English generic (United Kingdom)', 'versionNumber': '0.3.4'}}, 'LmoIta_Ita_IT': {'adjectives': {'ambiguity': ['chiaro', 'ambiguo'], 'angularity': ['spigoloso', 'arrotondato'], 'appeal': ['attraente', 'ripugnante'], 'beauty': ['bello', 'brutto'], 'elegance': ['non elegante', 'elegante'], 'flow': ['fluido', 'brusco'], 'fluency': ['frammentato', 'scorrevole'], 'grace': ['goffo', 'aggraziato'], 'harshness': ['duro', 'morbido'], 'logic': ['logico', 'illogico'], 'pleasure': ['piacevole', 'spiacevole'], 'precision': ['preciso', 'vago'], 'sistem': ['sistematico', 'non sistematico'], 'smoothness': ['liscio', 'ruvido'], 'structure': ['non strutturato', 'strutturato']}, 'intface_info': {'atol_header': 'Questionario sulle varietà linguistiche', 'btn_continue': 'Continua', 'btn_text': 'Avanti', 'instruction': 'Si prega di spostare il cursore per registrare la propria scelta.', 'language': 'Italiano', 'language_header': "A mio avviso, l'italiano è...", 'next_task': 'Si prega di cliccare <i>Continua</i> appena possibile', 'rml': 'lombardo', 'rml_header': 'A mio avviso, il lombardo è...', 'thank_you': 'Grazie per aver completato il questionario!', 'title': 'AToL - RML'}, 'meta': {'author': 'Marco Tamburelli <>', 'date': '2023-01-30', 'versionId': 'LmoIta_Ita_IT', 'versionName': 'Italian - Lombard (Italy)', 'versionNumber': '0.3.4'}}, 'LtzGer_Ger_BE': {'adjectives': {'ambiguity': ['eindeutig', 'missverständlich'], 'angularity': ['eckig', 'rund'], 'appeal': ['anziehend', 'abstoßend'], 'beauty': ['schön', 'hässlich'], 'elegance': ['stillos', 'stilvoll'], 'flow': ['flüssig', 'abgehackt'], 'fluency': ['stockend', 'fließend'], 'grace': ['plump', 'anmutig'], 'harshness': ['hart', 'weich'], 'logic': ['logisch', 'unlogisch'], 'pleasure': ['angenehm', 'unangenehm'], 'precision': ['genau', 'ungenau'], 'sistem': ['systematisch', 'unsystematisch'], 'smoothness': ['geschmeidig', 'rau'], 'structure': ['stukturlos', 'sturkturiert']}, 'intface_info': {'atol_header': 'AToL Fragebogen', 'btn_continue': 'Weiter', 'btn_text': 'Weiter', 'instruction': 'Bitte verwenden Sie den Schieberegler, um Ihre Auswahl aufzuzeichnen.', 'language': 'Deutch', 'language_header': 'Die deutsche Sprache ist...', 'next_task': 'Bitte klicken Sie auf <i>Weiter</i> wenn Sie fertig sind', 'rml': 'Eifeler Platt', 'rml_header': 'Das Eifeler Platt ist...', 'thank_you': 'Vielen Dank für das Ausfüllen des Fragebogens!', 'title': 'Sprachlicher Fragebogen'}, 'meta': {'author': 'Florian Breit <>, Marco Tamburelli <>', 'date': '2023-01-30', 'versionId': 'LtzGer_Ger_BE', 'versionName': 'Moselfränkisch Deutsch (Belgien)', 'versionNumber': '0.3.4'}}}

dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object’s

(key, value) pairs

dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:

d = {} for k, v in iterable:

d[k] = v

dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs

in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)