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2. Setting up the development environment

This article will guide you through the setup of the development environment, aimed primarily at those with relatively little previous experience of software development.


If you’re a seasoned developer, this guide will probably be a bit verbose for your taste, so if you know what you’re doing you might just want to install any of the tools listed below (if you don’t have them already), fork the repo, and run pipenv install --dev in the root of the source tree to get going.

2.1. Installing the pre-requirements

To work on the L’ART Research Client codebase, you need to have at least the following:

  • git – The version management system we use

  • python (version >= 3.10) – The primary programming language of the app

  • pipenv – The python package we use for virtual environments and dependency management

  • chrome – The browser we use to display the app’s user interface

If you want to build the documentation locally, you will also need to have jsdoc installed.

Below are some examples of how you could install this software on various systems, e.g. Windows 10 or 11 if you use winget, and Ubuntu Linux (note that the newest releases of Ubuntu will have Python > 3.10 already installed). Please apply these with care. If you’re not sure about any of this, it’s best to go to the website of the respective software (linked above) and just follow their installation instructions!

# Windows Terminal / PowerShell
# Install Google Chrome
winget install -e --id Google.Chrome
# Install Git
winget install -e --id Git.Git
# Install Python 3.10+
winget install -e --id Python.Python.3.10
# Install pipenv
pip install pipenv
# Optional: Install npm and jsdoc (only needed to generate documentation)
winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS
npm install -g jsdoc
$ # Ubuntu Linux < 22.04
$ # First make sure the system's packaged and package index are up-to-date
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
$ # Install Google Chrome
$ sudo apt install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7
$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./google-chrome*.deb
$ rm ./google-chrome*.deb
$ # Install Git
$ sudo apt install git -y
$ # Check your current python version
$ python3 --version
Python 3.9.4
$ # !! You should only run the next command if your python version is below 3.10.x !!
$ sudo apt install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3.10 -y
$ # Now check that you have python3.10 running:
$ python3.10 --version
Python 3.10.5
$ # Install pip and tkinter for Python3.10
$ # (Ff you already had python 3.10 show above, just use "python3" instead of "python3.10")
$ sudo apt install python3.10-pip and python3.10-tk
$ # Install pipenv
$ python3.10 -m pip install pipenv
$ # Optional: Install jsdoc (only needed to generate documentation)
$ sudo apt install npm -y
$ sudo npm install -g jsdoc
$ # Ubuntu Linux >= 22.04
$ # First make sure the system's packaged and package index are up-to-date
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
$ # Install Google Chrome
$ sudo apt install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7
$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./google-chrome*.deb
$ rm ./google-chrome*.deb
$ # Install Git
$ sudo apt install git -y
$ # Check your current python version is >= 3.10.0
$ python3 --version
Python 3.10.5
$ # Install pip and tkinter for Python3
$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-tk -y
$ # Install pipenv
$ python3 -m pip install pipenv
$ # Optional: Install jsdoc (only needed to generate documentation)
$ sudo apt install npm -y
$ sudo npm install -g jsdoc

Following the installation of the above, make sure that both python and pipenv are on your PATH environment variable. You may need to re-start your terminal, or log out and log back in for this to be the case. To test, just open a new terminal window and type both python --version and pipenv --version. If this does not work, you need to find out how to add them to the PATH environment variable on your system before proceeding.


Know your machine!

For most of what follows we will assume you have the above software installed and know the correct commands to use. This is especially important for Python, which depending on your installation may go by different names.

If you aren’t sure which Python command to use, open a command-line/terminal window and try the following commands in order:

  • py --version

  • python --version

  • python3 --version

  • python3.10 --version

The first one of these that doesn’t give you an error message and prints a Python version that is at least 3.10.0 is the command you should use for everything else.

For simplicity, unless specifying something OS-specific, we will just use python throughout the documentation – it’s your responsibility to adapt accordingly.

If you have the pre-requirements above out of the way, you can follow these steps to get the source code and all dependencies set up.

2.2. Get a copy of the source code

These are the steps you need to follow to get a current copy of the sourcecode:

  1. Open a terminal (console / command-line prompt)

  2. Go to (or make) your prefered directory for development.

    For example cd C:\Users\florian\Development (Windows) or cd /home/florian/development (Linux). If you don’t have a directory you use for software development yet, you can use the mkdir command to create it, then cd into it.

  3. Clone the repository with git clone

    This will make a local copy of the remote git repository, to which you can then make local changes and which you can sync back and forth with the remote repository (called pulling and pushing).


    Fork the repository before cloning it…

    You might want to make a fork of our repository on GitHub and work on that fork, so that your own work benefits from the added security of having the version control history in the cloud even if you do not have write permissions to our repository.

    You will also have to make a fork if you want to make a pull request later, which is what you would do to have your modifications adopted in our official repository and included in future builds of the L’ART Research Client.

    For more information, check out how to fork a repo in the GitHub Quickstart Guide.

  4. Enter the project’s root directory.

    You can do this with the command cd ./research-client. If you now type ls (Linux) or dir (Windows), you should see a list of files including one called – if you see that you know that your code has cloned successfully and you are in the project’s root directory.

2.3. Set up pipenv and install dependencies

We use pipenv to manage the environment and dependencies. This makes it very easy to ensure that everyone working on the app can keep their dependencies up-to-date and have the same, stable environment for development.

After cloning the source code repository, there are just two steps to get this all set up. We’re assuming you’re still in the same terminal session as above, inside the project’s root directory (see the last step above).

  1. Run pipenv install --dev.

    This will set up a new virtual environment (so it doesn’t get polluted by any other packages or changes on your system’s Python installation, and vice-versa), and then install all the Python packages you need. The --dev switch is quite important here, because without it you will be able to run the app from the terminal, but you won’t be able to build the app binaries or the documentation for example.

  2. Activate the pipenv environment with pipenv shell.

    You now have to actually activate the virtual environment, so your terminal knows to use the isolated copy of Python it made for this project instead of the system installation. You activate the environment by typing pipenv shell (normally, after this you will see something like (research-client) at the start of your command prompt.)


    Remember pipenv!

    It’s important to remember to activate and use pipenv whenever you start working on the project. If you don’t, you’ll probably get error messages, and if you then just use regular pip to try and resolve these you’ll mess up your system-wide installation and run the risk of introducing new dependencies that can break the code, without other people being able to later see what these dependencies were. It might also prevent you from being able to build the binaries from the source.

    So, every time you open a terminal to work on the project, remember to use pipenv shell first. Every time you install a package, remember to use pipenv install <pkgname> or pipenv install <nobr>--dev</nobr> <pkgname> (if the package is only needed for development, but not for the version the end-user gets).

2.4. Running the app from the source

Now let’s test that things are working as they should. Open a terminal and go to the directory to which you’ve cloned the source code, e.g. C:\Users\florian\Development\research-client (Windows) or /home/florian/development/research-client (Linux). You know that you are in the right directory if you type ls (Linux) or dir (Windows) and the list shown contains a file named

Now just type python run in your terminal and hit Enter. If you get an error, something in the above steps probably went wrong — check which of the steps the error message seems to relate to and try again from there. If you see the app’s main window and some text on the terminal telling you that it is running, then you should be good to go.


Use a dedicated code editor…

If you use VS Code as your editor, you can tell it to automatically activate the pipenv environment when you open your source code.

Just install the Python extension in VS Code. Then press Ctrl+Shift+P and type Python: Select Interpreter, then select the one showing “(PipEnv)” in parentheses at the end.

Similar extensions are available for most other editors and IDEs, it’s worth consulting their documentation on this.

2.5. Bonus: Consider using a specialised source code editor

If you have only written a few lines of Python, HTML, or JavaScript here and there in the past, chances are that you’ve just used a general purpose text editor in the past, such as notepad or gedit.

We recommend that you consider a modern specialised source code editor or IDE instead. The extra features they offer, such as running terminal commands from within the editor, integrating with git, showing type-error hints in your code, etc. will pay of quickly on a codebase like this.

Some free options you might want to consider:

  • VS Code: Lightweight, responsive, platform-independent. Used by most people on our team.

  • Geany: Super-lightweigt, responsive, platform-independent. A popular choice for those that don’t want to run just a ‘free’ Microsoft product or otherwise don’t like VS Code.

  • Spyder: Medium-weight, aimed primarily at scientific computing, a bit like RStudio. Worth considering if you want to also run data analysis in Python.

  • PyCharm: A more heavy-weight IDE with many features, quite popular and probably a bit more than what is needed. It’s commercial software, but there is a free community version you can download, and if you’re an academic or student you can get a free full license.

  • vim: Lightweight, super-fast, very powerful terminal-based editor. If you prefer not to use a graphical user interface and stay on the command line this is probably for you, but the learning curve is rather steep.